20 Creative Business Ideas That You Should Try To Make Lots of Money - Sumberpulsa.com

20 Creative Business Ideas That You Should Try To Make Lots of Money

Sumberpulsa.com – The world of business is growing from time to time. Therefore, creative business ideas are needed to make them stand out from their competitors.

Running a business is not just about promoting a product and managing finances. More than that, you must have high creativity in creating a business to be liked by customers.

Through creative business ideas, you have the opportunity to go one step ahead of competitors.

If you are currently still looking for the right business idea to run, here are some business idea recommendations following below:

1. Beautypreneur

Ever heard of this profession? As many women become increasingly skilled at applying make-up, the need for make-up equipment and information about beauty is also increasing.

Entrepreneurs in the beauty sector are reading this opportunity and taking advantage of it to become more focused in pursuing their field.

This creative business has produced many local make up and care products which have their own fans.

You can develop a creative beauty business by selling various make-up equipment such as brushes, cleaning fluids and tools, even acrylic shelves for arranging make-up tools.

2. Crafters

Creative business ideas can also be started from your sensitivity to simple needs that are widely used by people.

Examples include greeting cards, envelopes, pillow covers, tablecloths, even gallon cloth covers at home.

For those of you who are skilled in the field of design and patient enough with details, you can also choose a crafters or craftsmen business.

The reason is, there are always people who are interested in buying it, either to add to a gift or to use for themselves.

3. Graphic design

For those of you who are interested in working with many other companies, there’s nothing wrong with trying the graphic design business.

It’s undeniable, every company has a lot of design needs, starting from logos, banners, social media posts, and so on.

You can offer your services to them by creating these things. So that many companies know, take advantage of social media and websites as your design portfolio.

4. Florist

Do you often see people selling flower bouquets in e-commerce or social media? The price variants offered usually vary, starting from IDR 35,000 to hundreds of thousands.

Well, you can try this one creative business idea, you know. Moreover, many people usually need a flower bouquet on Valentine’s Day, graduation, Mother’s Day, or other celebration days.

5. Photography

Have a talent for taking photos? If so, don’t hesitate to use it as a business field. Because photographers are usually sought after by people, whether it’s at weddings, graduations, or music events.

To start this business, you can share your photos on social media, websites, or even freelance platforms.

Apart from that, you can also, you know, sell your photos on photo selling platforms like ShutterStock, Dreamstime, Adobe Stock, and others.

6. Personal shopper

This creative business idea is suitable for those of you who love to shop. Personal shoppers are people who offer services for purchasing goods to other people.

Usually, people who use this service want to buy an item, but can’t because the location is very far, whether outside the city or overseas.

So, if you want to turn your hobby of shopping into a field of income, try this business. While traveling, you can also earn pocket money. Interesting, right?

7. Clothing line

As time goes by, young people’s fashion has become increasingly varied, from clothes, hats, trousers, to other accessories such as bandanas and bracelets. So, you can open your own clothing line by offering creative designs.

To start this business, you need to think of a mature concept along with researching the right market. So make sure the clothing line design that you offer has its own characteristics to stand out from other competitors. For example, a ghost or cartoon themed design.

8. Blogger

This creative business is now even included in the marketing budget calculations of several large companies.

You can earn income through the ability to create interesting content and write it beautifully on your blog. Not a few bloggers have made this creative business their main profession because the income is promising.

Some bloggers even have special teams to help with their work and work schedules. It is not uncommon for bloggers to register with Google Adsense to earn other income.

9. Travel

Interested in making money while traveling? If so, there’s nothing wrong with trying the travel business.

Most people want to take a vacation or tour in a simple way without having to take care of anything, be it in terms of transportation to accommodation.

So, you can take this opportunity by opening a travel business. All you have to do is determine what destinations to go to along with accommodation and transportation.

Apart from that, you also have to have a solid team so that the travel business can run smoothly. Because, in the future there will be a lot of things that must be done in teamwork.

10. Event organizer

Like to create events? If yes, try to understand this creative business idea carefully.

Just like the travel business, this one business also requires solid teamwork to run smoothly. However, if you want to explore this business thoroughly, there’s no harm in trying to join another event organizer team first.

Learn everything well, from how to make a rundown, managing a budget, to managing the time of the event. After that, you can look for people to build your own event organizer team.

This business is considered to have great opportunities because almost every event, be it weddings, music events, or even workshops, requires an event organizer or EO.

11. Makeup artist

Opening a makeup artist service, also known as MUA, is also one of the best-selling creative businesses.

The reason is simple, every woman or man who is going to have a big day wants to look different.

It’s not just wedding make-up that requires MUA, graduates also now often use MUA services to beautify their appearance at graduation.

This creative business is perfect for those of you who like to play with lots of makeup tools. You can start by making up close friends as a first step. The pay is also quite high if you are well known among MUA service users.

12. Coffee shop

Recently, many people have opened coffee shop businesses. It is undeniable, coffee does have its own audience.

To open a coffee shop, creative ideas are needed, in terms of name, menu, and shop design. Apart from all that, you also have to prepare large capital in the beginning. However, if you manage to create a unique shop, the income you get is also very promising.

13. Video editor

If you are proficient at editing videos using a variety of software, take advantage of this as a business by opening a video editing service.

There are lots of clients or companies that need a video editor to support their marketing activities, whether online or offline. So, don’t waste this opportunity if you really have talent in editing videos.

14. Desain interior

The next creative business idea that you can consider is interior design. Currently, almost everyone who has an office, house or shop needs the services of an interior designer to design room after room inside.

Usually, an interior designer will have a meeting first with the client to discuss the things needed for the room design.

15. Freelance content writer

Do you like writing? If yes, try making your hobby into a business by becoming a freelance content writer.

Nowadays, there are lots of agencies or companies that need articles to be published on their websites. So, you can offer article writing services to agencies or companies that need them.

With just a laptop and the internet, you can make money from writing, you know. Apart from that, you can work anywhere, whether at home, in a cafe or in a coworking space.

16. Social media admin

The existence of social media opens up a lot of creative business opportunities that can be done, one of which is becoming a social media admin.

Before opening a social media admin service, you must first understand the basics of social media marketing. This is because the tasks performed by the admin are not far from building a relationship between the account owner and the audience.

This creative business idea is not new. However, more and more companies or even influencers are unable to manage social media by themselves. Therefore, they need an admin to take care of it.

17. Translator

language translator is one of the creative business ideas that you can try nowadays.

Currently, there are many companies that need translators to translate something, such as articles or even when there are meetings with clients from abroad.

If you are proficient in various languages, especially in English, try to do well in this business.

18. Web designer

Currently, almost all businesses need a website as a marketing tool. You can open services as a web designer as a way to earn income.

Before becoming a web designer, you must first understand the basics of programming languages.

Apart from that, you also have to keep up with the latest trends so you can create good website designs for clients.

19. Rental costumes

This business is also considered to be able to gain big profits. How could it not be, nowadays almost all events require costumes, such as weddings, graduations, art performances, to other events. However, this business does require a large amount of capital.

Therefore, at first you should focus on renting costumes for one particular market. For example, you only rent costumes for cosplay events. Well, after developing well, then you can expand the market by opening other costumes.

20. Content creator

This term may already be familiar today. Content creator is a profession whose job is to create content and publish it in the digital world.

So, if you often create content for YouTube, Instagram, and other social media, there’s nothing wrong with starting a content creation service.

So far, there are still many companies that need good content to be posted on their social media. The goal is definitely to increase the engagement rate and build relationships with the audience.

Apart from earning from clients, you can also earn income from Google Adsense!***

About Reza

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