Information on American Undergraduate Scholarships for Indonesian Students -

Information on American Undergraduate Scholarships for Indonesian Students – For Hunters who have bachelor’s degrees in the United States, let’s move closer together. This time Schoters would like to discuss 3 American undergraduate scholarships available for Indonesian students. At the same time, we discuss some of the best universities in the United States. Here’s the full data

Berea College Scholarship

The first undergraduate American scholarship providing full funding support to international students for their studies and everyday life comes from Berea College. The campus itself is ranked 148th in The Higher Education (THE) 2022 and ranks 3rd on the combined record of the Best Value Major Academies in the United States.

Then do you understand? Established in 1855, Barea College has not charged tuition fees for its students since 1982, you know. Very interesting isn’t it? So, for those of you who are interested in the program, check out the full news below!

American Undergraduate Scholarship Requirements and Documents: Berea College
The following details the requirements for an American undergraduate scholarship from Barea College, including:

Meet the requirements for enrollment and entry at Berea College.
Copy of English certificate (TOEFL iBT, TOEFL CBT, IELTS, or ACT).
Create individual essays
Copy of grade transcript./
Individual financial reports
International financial advice form.
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On the other hand, the benefits that you can get from this American undergraduate scholarship are tuition fees for housing, meals, and pocket money. You can see more details about this American S1 scholarship in the following Schoters post.

Yale University Scholarships 2023

As part of the best universities in the United States, Yale University also provides undergraduate American scholarships for international students, including those from Indonesia.

This American Undergraduate Scholarship is a full grant which you can use to pay for tuition and daily living with a total beneficiary value of $70,000. Moreover, if you are facing economic difficulties, parents’ income is less than $ 65,000), Yale University will help with tuition fees, boarding accommodations and so on.

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Yale University Scholarships 2023 Document Requirements
For those of you who are targeting Yale University as your campus in the future, there are several requirements for this American undergraduate scholarship document that you must prepare. Some of them are

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Pay a registration fee of $80.
Advice from BK and schools.
Standardized Testing Results.
For more data on this American undergraduate scholarship, you can click on the following link.

Interested in exploring a scholarship program to study in America and want to ask further questions with an expert consultant? Schoters can help you, starting from preparing for selecting universities, scholarships, document requirements to interviews.

American University Scholarship for International Students

The next American undergraduate scholarship arrives from the American University Scholarship for International Students. Slightly different from the scholarships above, this American undergraduate scholarship is available as an incentive fee that only helps pay for your studies.

The American Air Force (AU) University is located in Washington, DC which focuses its education on producing students with leadership skills and ready to respond to domestic and international challenges. The AIR FORCE (AU) itself was founded in 1893 by the United States Congress itself.

American University Scholarship for International Students Requirements
This undergraduate American scholarship requires some document requirements for its students. Here are the details:

International students from various socio-economic backgrounds.
Minimum GPA of 3.8 out of 4.00 or the best 10% in its class.
Have a spirit of leadership, volunteerism, and community service for their native country/
Copy of English language certificate (TOEFL iBT. IELTS, SCT, PTE, and so on.
Students currently in high school and about to graduate in June 2023.
On the other hand, for further data on this American undergraduate scholarship, you can directly click on their official website here

Want to explore the preparation of scholarships to America?
For those of you who are still having trouble getting started on preparations for entering university in the US and American undergraduate scholarships, come join Schoters’ overseas school preparation class! Free consultation

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